Monday 24 October 2016

Body is a temple

Body is a temple

Walking in the beautiful English country side we found some magic mushrooms. We ate a couple straight away. It was my only time to have them. 

My friend handed me the third one. I said it wasn't for me. Then she called my body a temple.  But, it may be an untamed beast because it is extremely reactive. 

In about ten minutes I was tripping. On two little magic mushroom. 

I don't believe it myself.

I enjoyed it though. 

My friend wasn't so lucky although she took the third one. In fact, she probably munched away on all of them hoping for a high.  Hahahah.  

I am a lightweight. She said, and she is right. It is because of this that it is so important for me to try to manage the fibroid reduction in the most natural way possible.

Gingko Biloba

Somewhere, somehow I found out about the power Ginkgo Biloba's to give the Homo Sapiens an extra few brain receptors.

So, whilst on my raw vegan died I took one Ginko Biloba tablet each day. Diligently.

If you read my previous posts going raw is not too easy. I did it for just over six weeks, I think. I stopped counting days after a while.

But, I also stopped the raw diet. I stopped because I felt dizzy and for the first time in my life I had headaches. I didn't even write about it. I wasn't sleeping properly. I slept about 4-6 hours each night. It was another kind of life that I had never experienced before. Yet, I was functioning.

I was on the toilet all the time. My body was not processing properly the food that I was consuming.

I figured it was the raw diet full of fibre that sent me to sit on the toilet for what seemed worthless shit. Excuse me.

I went to the doc.

Said: "I feel dizzy and I have headaches. I have to hang on to the wall sometimes to steady myself. A totally new feeling for a sober state." I didn't mention the toilet trips because I knew it was the raw food that gave them to me. (HOW VERY WRONG I WAS!!!)

The Doc checked my blood pressure, looked into my eyes and into his computer, turned around and said: "You don't have diabetes, your blood pressure is fine and you are not anaemic. It will go away by itself."

The conversation was had over a month ago.

So, I started eating bread and cooked food still under the impression if was the poor raw fruit and veg's fault. I only ate vegan food though. But, not raw. I even started drinking decaffeinated coffee hoping that it may help my headaches and dizziness. In fact I was so desperate I even had ice cream. A lot of ice cream in one day. It didn't help. It gave me lots of spots though.

I did abstain from all animal products other than an occasional organic egg. This is something that I am very happy and proud about.

The headaches have stopped, the dizziness has gone and I am sleeping my usual 8-9 hours per day.

But the reason I am feeling OK again is because I have stopped taking the Ginkgo Biloba supplement. 

There was one bit of sanity left in my head that said stop taking the supplement it may be the culprit. Just see what happens. The funny thing is that I stopped taking the pineapple enzyme before stopping Ginkgo. It is extremely laughable how much faith I had in this supplement.

It is only the other night when I noticed that the dizziness has left that I googled side effects of Ginkgo. And guess what! DIZZINESS was screaming from every link.

Not only that, I am always hungry! I eat like crazy. I wondered why. Now I know. It is the Gingko.

My body is very sensitive to all medicines.

What this has proven to me once again that raw food is absolutely nothing to blame for and as soon as I am ready again we shall be together. Together, looking out for each other and with love healing the body of all the trauma of abuse I have put it through.

My dear body, thank you for coping so well.
I shall treat you well again.

p.s. Considering how much reading I do with regards to anything that I consume it is simply baffling that I never read about the ginkgo side effects. Sometimes things just happen because they have to.

Getting back to raw: the plan

In 2012 I gave up artificial/refined sugars. I gave them up for the summer. In the winter I was back on Jaffa Cakes. So, I had a few months break.

That first stint of freedom from sugars was extremely hard. I still remember it. I was so though and so strong. Stoic, in fact.

However, the second time round it was a breeze. Abstaining from the poison of our bodies was extremely easy.

Hence, the next time I start the raw diet I know from experience that it will be easier than the first time.

Right now, I am feeding my heavy appetite. It is a temporary state. Once I am ready I will stop eating all cooked food and the food will be my medicine. Food void of any supplements.

The break from the raw

The break has been a learning experience and I am about to start it again and hope, as before, that it will make Bob and Max go away.

I will write about the progress.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Dandelion root and water fast

Sundays have become my fast days. Full day of drinking water and if wanted one small meal such as an avocado and tomato salad. Or, a couple of pieces of fruit.

Today I am only drinking water and raw dried dandelion root. The root is ground to almost powder.
I will only have had about seven small mouthfuls. It feels right. Also, it's a powerful weed so I must be cautious. This is day one. Apparently, dandelion can case dehydration and some people are alergic to it. So, do be careful (Daniels, 2016). I have a little bit most days with organic musli and organic hazelnut milk.

I put a bit of the dandelion root in my mouth then chew it. It's an acquired taste but when fasting it's quite nice to have something to bite on. Even though it's finely ground there are a few bigger bits to dig my teeth into. This is the dandelion I picked, dried and ground all by myself. Very proud.

I feel that this kind of a fast not only stops toxins coming into the body but uses dandelion to extract the impurities and balance the hormones. According to copious amounts of info on the net, dandelion has power to help excrete hormones which are not needed by the body. Rather a mighty skill, I'd say.

I am a big believer in dandelion because when I was a kid I used it to remove a wart. I didn't think that it would but when it did I thought it a magical mirror. I was in awe of dandelion and have yet again began to be. Gratefully. Fibroids are a curse and a blessing. No other way to see them.

Today Bob and Max are at their tiniest size. It is a few days after my menses. It seems that this month their small stage has been extended by a couple of weeks. I figure my raw diet is working.

I am hoping that they will stay this size until the next month when they can shrink a bit more, and so on until they have gone.

I have stopped counting the days of my raw diet. I am into the third month and that is good enough to know.

I have made a few changes. I am allowing myself a small portion of something cooked every day. I don't always have it but if I fancy it then I have it. When working and out and about every day unless I have prepared a salad to take with me it's hard to find fresh food in our capitalist world of prepackaged goods.

This is what I tend to have.
All is vegan and without additives. I still eat pesticides. (a weakness: something to work on)

organic rye bread
sea salt crisps
bean stew
Boiled potatoes

I also had one glass of wine which I could have done without. I feel OK about it because I made a decision to do it. It feels nice to be tipsy. It's not the end of the world and although I have decided to get rid of these fibroids a glass of wine every now and again will not falter my efforts by too many days.

I am not trying to justify myself. I am simply explaining that as someone who is not an alcoholic and not suffering from a terminal illness I can afford to take a little alcoholic beverage (toxin) every now and again to relax with friends.

Most importantly I went to a party and did not drink. I had an amazing time. At parties there is danger of having more than one small glass of wine so I just opt out.

Nevertheless, I still consider my self a raw foodist with a little bit of the naughtiness on the side.

Essentially, Max and Bob are going. We made a deal. The goodby may take just a little longer than anticipated. Break-ups always take a while. I don't need to have a label. I am doing my own thing.

Let's see if dandelion day can convince those boys to leave.

One important thing to mention is that two weeks ago I did a long fast day when I only had two bananas, I meditated for three hours, and didn't eat anything else for 36 hours in total, I noticed that Bob and Max got smaller. This was a week before the menses. Usually Bob and Max shrink on a third day of menses.

I am not too keen on fasting because I am skinny and don't want to look anorexic. Fasting makes one lose weight and I don't want to lose any more. However, if I can get rid of them with one fast day a week, 80/90% raw diet, dandelion, cabbage and pineapple then I must try. If they get much smaller then I can start re-introducing more frequent consumption of stews and soups and bread which I love.

May you all be healthy and happy.
Love your body.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

The logistics of eating raw

For breakfast I had a bowl of muesli with all organic almond milk. I added a banana in there too. Although I find muesli absolutely delicious, interestingly, the salads make me satisfied for longer.

The logistics of eating raw

Every day I make one salad with plenty of fresh vegetables and my favourite dressing full of cold pressed olive of hemp seed oil, salt, apple cider vinegar and garlic.

If there is fermented veg in the salad I will not use apple cider vinegar. The salad gets too wet with vinegar and fermented veg.

Mostly I use European organic garlic (avoiding garlic produced in China since there is evidence that it is toxic). Garlic is not always on the menu if I have a job where I have to speak to a lot of clients.

One large salad per day.

One half in the morning and the other half any time before 6 pm. Depending on the time I plan to exercise. I make sure I don't exercise on full stomach so will eat at least two hours prior to.

Furthermore, when eating after six it seems hard to go to sleep and also full stomach makes me get up in the middle of the night. This suggests that I may be over eating. I am aware of this and I am hanging on for the right time to reduce the portions.

The other half of the salad goes into a take-away box that travels with me where ever I go for a good vegan 100% raw lunch.

Other snacks are fruit and nuts and I have them when ever I feel like it.


Personal summary on fibroids and raw diet

It's been around 33 days since I started eating raw fruit veg and nuts.

Fibroids are still here.

Fibroids feel smaller today and last night.

I think it's part of their monthly cycle of shrinking within the first few days of menses. I am just hoping that they will not grow back.

One month soon, I hope, they will not come back.

If they reduce by 2cm each within the year then raw diet is working.

I am exercising. I hope that this will also help Bob and Max on their way out.

May we all have health.

Fibroids are symptoms of larger problems. Heal the body. Perhaps they will then decide to leave.

musli on 100% raw

For breakfast I had a bowl of mussily with all organic almond milk. I added a banana in there too. Although I find mussily absolutely delicious, interestingly, the salads make me satisfied for longer.

The logistics of eating raw

Every day I make one salad with plenty of fresh vegetables and my favourite dressing full of cold pressed olive of hemp seed oil, salt, apple cider vinegar and garlic.

If there is fermented veg in the salad I will not use apple cider vinegar. The salad gets too wet with vinegar and fermented veg.

Mostly I use European organic garlic (avoiding garlic produced in China since there is evidence that it is toxic). Garlic is not always on the menu if I have a job where I have to speak to a lot of clients.

One large salad per day.

One half in the morning and the other half any time before 6 pm. Depending on the time I plan to exercise. I make sure I don't exercise on full stomach so will eat at least two hours prior to.

Furthermore, when eating after six it seems hard to go to sleep and also full stomach makes me get up in the middle of the night. This suggests that I may be over eating. I am aware of this and I am hanging on for the right time to reduce the portions.

The other half of the salad goes into a take-away box that travels with me where ever I go for a good vegan 100% raw lunch.

Other snacks are fruit and nuts and I have them when ever I feel like it.


Personal summary on fibroids and raw diet

It's been around 33 days since I started eating raw fruit veg and nuts.

Fibroids are still here.

Fibroids feel smaller today and last night.

I think it's part of their monthly cycle of shrinking within the first few days of menses. I am just hoping that they will not grow back.

One month soon, I hope, they will not come back.

If they reduce by 2cm each within the year then raw diet is working.

I am exercising. I hope that this will also help Bob and Max on their way out.

May we all have health.

Fibroids are symptoms of larger problems. Heal the body. Perhaps they will then decide to leave.

Saturday 25 June 2016

It's been around 30 days on all raw diet.

Fibroids are still here. Still strong. Still large. Still as big as a couple of grapefruits.

That's OK.
It's just the beginning.

I am still only eating raw. Plenty of greens. As few sweets as possible. Savoury is the way.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Exercise and Raw vegan diet

Afraid of exercise? 

Well, it is something to be feared if it hasn't been done for a while. Such was my case.
"But do I feel good now!!!"

I know that tomorrow I will not be able to move because every little muscle in my body will ache. 

I did a circuits class. Lots of cardio and a little strength. Not enough weights. I need to buff up my skinny bones since this raw vegan diet makes one very skinny.  Weight training is the best for looking good if you don't have to lose any weight. However, cardio, of course is important for our loving hearts. So a combination of the two is highly recommended. 

Once I get into exercise I will combine circuits with strength training. 

Lifting weights is the best way to get the skin to tighten. The muscles will fill up the little stretched pockets of vegan leanness. Make the body nice and toned. 

Lucky I am a girl so a little skinny does not look too bad. I prefer looking a bit more buff, but, hey....

Getting rid of fibroids is the priority.  

Exercise on 27th day is not too bad. I had stopped feeling tired all the time so it is a natural progression. 

One step at the time.

Pranayama for Fibroids

I have read women write about the power of breathing in combating fibroids.

It is scientifically understood that it is through breath that we expel the unnecessary weight and toxins.

I have been practising pranayama for many years now. Every morning 50 breaths. Perhaps if I had done 500 breaths every morning for years fibroids wouldn't be here now. I don't know. It is worth giving it a go.

Sit up strait. Extend your spine.
I sit in a semi lotus position.
Relax for a second.
Breath short fast breaths from the belly. Contract the belly with every exhale. Very fast breaths through your nose. Make sure your mouth is closed all the way through pranayama. Do not worry about breathing in. Concentrate on short sharps breaths out. The breathing-in will happen automatically.

Only control the breath out. Short sharp from the belly. As many as you feel comfortable. Then stop. long breath out.
Then begin again.
Pranayama translates as controlled breathing.

I was going to add a link here for a video demonstration but I don't like any of the ones which came up on Youtube when I searched 'pranayama'. Maybe I'll make one. One day.