I lived with fibroids in complete ignorance for around five years.
I remember massaging my belly and thinking there was something not quite right. Still, I just kind of ignored it putting it down to my lack of knowledge of internal organs. Oh dear, you may read. I, however, think this was a good thing. I was kind of blissful. I didn't feel sick and other than heavier periods than before 2010 (the year fibroids came about) and PMS, I was alright. It is only upon reflection that I realise where my dysfunctional social life in those 5 years stems from. The prolonged madness that is the PMS.
However, I have always been fond of PMS because it is then that I put my foot down to terrible relationships, injustices and all other unfairness that come my way. This is why PMS exists. If we stay lovely and nice all the time nothing would change and the bullies would just keep on bullying.
So, there was me, blissfuly ignorant. Then, chatting to a friend - it was a bit of a laugh, actually - I figured it was time to look into this lump inside my abdomen. So, naturally I went for the great Google and diagnosed myself with colon cancer!!! hahah... I was calm - I wasn't sure but I was prepared.
This was all going on on my winter beach holiday where there was one lovely Italian medical doctor holidaying like me: playing volleyball, swimming, reading, drinking, socialising, taking pictures and just having a lovely time. That day of diagnosis I found him sunbathing to the sound of breaking waves. I told him that I had colon cancer to which he responded: "so, shall we burry you in the sand or set you off into the sea?" Oh, he is a funny one. And incredibly luckily an internal organs specialist.
He examined my abdomen for a while and told me that he is 99% sure that I have a couple of fibroids and that I should get it double checked in the UK. And then, he said words which had so much power that they governed my journey here. He said: "it's not a problem, they can be healed naturally with gingko , etc"
Fibroids can be healed naturally
What does it mean?
Immediately I started googling: heal fibroids naturally. Now, of course, I would only ever google things such as heal the uterus, remove fibroids naturally.. etc. Because I don't want to heal fibroids, I want them to disappear, I want them gone.
I learned that Omega fats are needed for hormone balancing so I bought a bottle of flaxseed oil. I took a few sips and felt so sick that I couldn't eat anything for a couple of days. Perhaps this was the whole point because during a fast fibroids shrink. Depriving the body of all food puts it into healing mode. Apparently, according to a scientist in one of the millions of documentaries I have watched, 'diabetes used to be cured by starving patients... albeit some of them starving to death'. It's quite a bad side effect I suppose.
However, from personal experience, I know that fasting shrinks them. But, it has to be done regularly.
So, then I was just eating actual flaxseeds and I immediately stopped drinking alcohol to the horror of all of my beach friends. It didn't last long. I went back to alcohol. Being tipsy is just so fantastic. So fantastic that I spent all of my 20s and 30s drinking. That is two decades of going to the pub at least once per week and getting drunk. Not always but a lot.
I also came across this site where I took some advice from. I started some positive thinking, Reiki healing, acupuncture, and some time later I stopped consuming meat, dairy and alcohol.
I bought a kindle book by Allan Warshowsky called Healing Fibroids: a doctor's guide to a natural cure. I read it in almost one sitting, soaking up everything and being reassured that it is possible to say goodbye to Bob and Max (my fibroids) without going to surgery or taking hormones. Dr. Warshowsky informed me of some crucial things to keep me hopeful such as:
'women with only nine to eleven years of education are more likely to undergo a hysterectomy than women with higher degrees..'
Do laugh, but the odds of me keeping my uterus are getting higher with this book.
Most importantly, what this means is that we must read around and question everything we are told. Take control of the healing and know the ins and outs. For example, going for myomectomy removes fibroids but does not remove the cause of fibroids so they will most likely come back. If the environment for them to flourish is good they will keep coming back. Simple.
My local GP said to me: "your fibroid is the size of a grapefruit and uterus the size of a plum. Just get it all removed." I cried. But this guy is a funny one. When I was 27 I went to him with heavy lung infection. He said: "What do you want me to do? Stop smoking for you?" hahah... I laugh about it now. During that same lung infection I smoked only about one cigarette a day rather than 15. I was hooked. Lung infection came back once more before I eventually stopped smoking 5 years after the said GP visit.
No more lung infections.
Like I said in my previous post, the body wants us to stop giving it toxins. It doesn't want antibiotics, it just wants to be given locally grown natural nourishment. I say local because all fruit and vegetables are superfoods and there are equivalents of all of them on each continent. Such as for example goji berries and strawberries. Eat a variety of fruit and vegetables and Bob's ya uncle. (I don't mean my Bob the fibroid, rather a metaphorical English-phrase Bob.)
Reading around the problem of fibroids books and articles asked me to reflect on causes of fibroids. I did and I put it down to some stress in the past. Now, 15 months on I am certain that I cannot take back the stress that I went through in the past. I have accepted it. What I can do is to change the way I feed my body. I have stopped giving it toxic food and drink. If it was stress and not drinking, smoking, milk and meat that caused the creation of the mucus (some define fibroids as mucus) then there is nothing I can do about it. I meditate, I pray, I am certain and resolute to rid the body of Bob and Max. And, it is this resoluteness and prayers that send me on the path which is to heal the body as a physical entity which requires particular physical nourishment where each cell has to be given the right environment to live with each other in harmony.
If the body is not correct on a chemical, molecular level then meditation, reiki, acupuncture, positive thinking are all in vain. They are only not in vain when they have led us to the right path. And, yes, continue praying but also take the necessary steps to alter the physicality of all the particles of our being. Replace the disharmony with harmony. Physically, intellectually, spiritually and with patience. Join me on this journey of fibroid free life.