Tuesday, 28 June 2016

The logistics of eating raw

For breakfast I had a bowl of muesli with all organic almond milk. I added a banana in there too. Although I find muesli absolutely delicious, interestingly, the salads make me satisfied for longer.

The logistics of eating raw

Every day I make one salad with plenty of fresh vegetables and my favourite dressing full of cold pressed olive of hemp seed oil, salt, apple cider vinegar and garlic.

If there is fermented veg in the salad I will not use apple cider vinegar. The salad gets too wet with vinegar and fermented veg.

Mostly I use European organic garlic (avoiding garlic produced in China since there is evidence that it is toxic). Garlic is not always on the menu if I have a job where I have to speak to a lot of clients.

One large salad per day.

One half in the morning and the other half any time before 6 pm. Depending on the time I plan to exercise. I make sure I don't exercise on full stomach so will eat at least two hours prior to.

Furthermore, when eating after six it seems hard to go to sleep and also full stomach makes me get up in the middle of the night. This suggests that I may be over eating. I am aware of this and I am hanging on for the right time to reduce the portions.

The other half of the salad goes into a take-away box that travels with me where ever I go for a good vegan 100% raw lunch.

Other snacks are fruit and nuts and I have them when ever I feel like it.


Personal summary on fibroids and raw diet

It's been around 33 days since I started eating raw fruit veg and nuts.

Fibroids are still here.

Fibroids feel smaller today and last night.

I think it's part of their monthly cycle of shrinking within the first few days of menses. I am just hoping that they will not grow back.

One month soon, I hope, they will not come back.

If they reduce by 2cm each within the year then raw diet is working.

I am exercising. I hope that this will also help Bob and Max on their way out.

May we all have health.

Fibroids are symptoms of larger problems. Heal the body. Perhaps they will then decide to leave.

musli on 100% raw

For breakfast I had a bowl of mussily with all organic almond milk. I added a banana in there too. Although I find mussily absolutely delicious, interestingly, the salads make me satisfied for longer.

The logistics of eating raw

Every day I make one salad with plenty of fresh vegetables and my favourite dressing full of cold pressed olive of hemp seed oil, salt, apple cider vinegar and garlic.

If there is fermented veg in the salad I will not use apple cider vinegar. The salad gets too wet with vinegar and fermented veg.

Mostly I use European organic garlic (avoiding garlic produced in China since there is evidence that it is toxic). Garlic is not always on the menu if I have a job where I have to speak to a lot of clients.

One large salad per day.

One half in the morning and the other half any time before 6 pm. Depending on the time I plan to exercise. I make sure I don't exercise on full stomach so will eat at least two hours prior to.

Furthermore, when eating after six it seems hard to go to sleep and also full stomach makes me get up in the middle of the night. This suggests that I may be over eating. I am aware of this and I am hanging on for the right time to reduce the portions.

The other half of the salad goes into a take-away box that travels with me where ever I go for a good vegan 100% raw lunch.

Other snacks are fruit and nuts and I have them when ever I feel like it.


Personal summary on fibroids and raw diet

It's been around 33 days since I started eating raw fruit veg and nuts.

Fibroids are still here.

Fibroids feel smaller today and last night.

I think it's part of their monthly cycle of shrinking within the first few days of menses. I am just hoping that they will not grow back.

One month soon, I hope, they will not come back.

If they reduce by 2cm each within the year then raw diet is working.

I am exercising. I hope that this will also help Bob and Max on their way out.

May we all have health.

Fibroids are symptoms of larger problems. Heal the body. Perhaps they will then decide to leave.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

It's been around 30 days on all raw diet.

Fibroids are still here. Still strong. Still large. Still as big as a couple of grapefruits.

That's OK.
It's just the beginning.

I am still only eating raw. Plenty of greens. As few sweets as possible. Savoury is the way.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Exercise and Raw vegan diet

Afraid of exercise? 

Well, it is something to be feared if it hasn't been done for a while. Such was my case.
"But do I feel good now!!!"

I know that tomorrow I will not be able to move because every little muscle in my body will ache. 

I did a circuits class. Lots of cardio and a little strength. Not enough weights. I need to buff up my skinny bones since this raw vegan diet makes one very skinny.  Weight training is the best for looking good if you don't have to lose any weight. However, cardio, of course is important for our loving hearts. So a combination of the two is highly recommended. 

Once I get into exercise I will combine circuits with strength training. 

Lifting weights is the best way to get the skin to tighten. The muscles will fill up the little stretched pockets of vegan leanness. Make the body nice and toned. 

Lucky I am a girl so a little skinny does not look too bad. I prefer looking a bit more buff, but, hey....

Getting rid of fibroids is the priority.  

Exercise on 27th day is not too bad. I had stopped feeling tired all the time so it is a natural progression. 

One step at the time.

Pranayama for Fibroids

I have read women write about the power of breathing in combating fibroids.

It is scientifically understood that it is through breath that we expel the unnecessary weight and toxins.

I have been practising pranayama for many years now. Every morning 50 breaths. Perhaps if I had done 500 breaths every morning for years fibroids wouldn't be here now. I don't know. It is worth giving it a go.

Sit up strait. Extend your spine.
I sit in a semi lotus position.
Relax for a second.
Breath short fast breaths from the belly. Contract the belly with every exhale. Very fast breaths through your nose. Make sure your mouth is closed all the way through pranayama. Do not worry about breathing in. Concentrate on short sharps breaths out. The breathing-in will happen automatically.

Only control the breath out. Short sharp from the belly. As many as you feel comfortable. Then stop. long breath out.
Then begin again.
Pranayama translates as controlled breathing.

I was going to add a link here for a video demonstration but I don't like any of the ones which came up on Youtube when I searched 'pranayama'. Maybe I'll make one. One day.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Ousting fibroids on raw diet day 26

If you falter a little it doesn't mean you have failed. It means that there has been a pause and a little step back. In the grand scheme of life this falter is minuscule. As minuscule as getting a cold.

If you find your hormones going completely mental as the body is approaching the day 28 of your monthly cycle and you feel that a trip to the pub with your favourite person is what is needed then so be it. Please be aware that there are two ways of doing this and I do not mean going to the pub on a whim.  Rather, you must chose consciously, in advance, that it is the right thing to do. Seeing the situation from an outsider's perspective whilst holding your gaze on your long-term intended aims and objectives. Aim to detox fibroids out of the body. 

So, think about it for a while. Visualise the experience where you are enjoying that drink and the company. And only do it if you can enjoy it. Otherwise there really is no point. 

Accept the drink as part of the process and then walk through it consciously. Walk through the aftermath of hangover and healing consciously. You will get a little depressed. It's because you are hangover and because you have slowed down the healing. 

However, knowing that the pause on healing is only a pause and the healing process will resume shortly is what makes it alright. It's not the end of the world. Just jump straight back into it. 

We are human before and after everything. It would be completely acceptable and human to give up and say: 

"fuck it.... I am going for an operation. It will be fine. I will eat pills like most people do. I will drink coffee, eat bread, pig, milk.. etc." 

But then, saying: 

"fuck it, I will have a few glasses of wine, the liver will cope much better than it would if I had a few glasses of wine on a daily or a weekly basis. The healing will resume. Soon. I am so healthy the liver will cope well." 

Is a much better option and completely human. Weak? You may say? A part of me agrees. But strong too because I didn't give up completely.

Since researching alternative healing options for those suffering with tumours I have come across many videos and blogs where women embark on healing paths and then after a few posts: NOTHING. Silence. I assume they just give up without a note. 

DO not give up. It is all part of the process. 

One day of fun with an amazing friend has been fantastic and I am so grateful that I have my friends. I am grateful to my body and fibroids for making me cleanse my body.

The fight has only just begun. 24 days of 100% raw vegan diet is pretty hard core as it is. 

May we all be happy and healthy. 

Saturday, 18 June 2016

23 days on 100% raw vegan diet and PMS

I am trying to rid me of Bob and Max (two grapefruit size fibroids) and as I am entering a final few days of my monthly cycle I am experiencing PMS and fibroids seem to be reaching their peak size.

I feel so annoyed and frustrated now. I think if Bob and Max weren't getting so flaming enraged I would be happier and PMS would be gentler.

When will this diet start working?

What else can I do to be rid of them?

I am sorry if you are reading this and I am not an inspiration for you. The fight is really tough. I am not giving up on 100% raw. NO WAY. At least one year before I think about giving up. This is my chance to make a good positive change for my body. I just wish I had more  strength and I wasn't so tired all the time. Well, not all the time. A lot of the time. Strong in terms of muscle and fitness.

I wore a lovely green dress last Thursday. I couldn't help but notice a bump as if I was pregnant. Fibroids are so annoying. At least they are not going to kill me. I hope. Unless I get run over by a car whilst running across a road to buy some special super food tomatoes.

It is all a mystery still and it's hard going through it. And I smell of garlic and onion. How charming.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Fibroids, backache and the old school GPs

My GP made me cry.

He said: "Just remove all of it".
"All of it?"
GP: "Yes, they're too large."
"My uterus?"
GP: "yes, your uterus is this size (he makes a round shape with his thumb and index finger) and your fibroids are this big (makes a round shape with both of his hands)."

I cry... but I say "no one is removing my uterus". Luckily I had already read about fibroids and my heavy menses did not bother me. Lucky.

The said GB is generally insensitive and very old school. Not that the two are qualities are inseparable.

Fibroids do cause backache

I read an on-line a doctor advice a patient that her 5cm fibroid cannot be causing her back-pain! What fallacy! 5cm fibroids do cause backache. They do indeed. Max was a real  pain in the back when he arrived.

I just hope women do not listen to those single minded medicine men.

I love it when the medicine men so assertively put us into our place. 

I watch my father who has dementia refuse everything but medicine. He refuses to drink water and to shower but when I hand him medicine he is all up for it. Medicine men's words are so engrained in us and so superior to all else around that they govern all our lives.

If we give ourselves to them completely we stand a chance of losing so much along with health of our bodies.

Take everything with a pinch of salt.

My sister was given a session with a nutritionist at the hospital once. The nutritionist advice was to never eat fruit and veg and stay out of sun light!!!! To which sister and I responded: "what else is there to eat???" Needless to say the nutritionist's advice was ignored. Lucky!!!

So weird.

Whilst we must be open to our medicine men and women we must also take charge of our healing process and get a real education of our own bodies. They are so mysterious and so complex... So extremely beautiful.

Do you watch the way people carry their bodies? Some use it like it is tapestry for art. Fun. Some cannot accept theirs and seem to reside elsewhere. Some give them up to other's yet strive to take charge. They will paint it with a tattoo or two, put on a nice frock and give themselves a simile in the mirror. ... Yet, they will not love what they see. Take charge. Be in charge of the body whilst working with it. Be good to it. Give it only what your love of it allows you to feed it. Feed it with love, light and life.

Be kind to our dear bodies.

Give it only what it needs: fresh food, sunshine, exercise, love and attention. It will be so grateful. 

Cabbage and 100% RAW Vegan Diet

This morning I am having a massive bowl of organic savoy cabbage for breakfast. I can eat it just as it is. Peal leaf by leaf or thinly sliced. It tastes so delicious.

For more nutrients I added my two basics of avocado and tomato plus pepper and cucumber.

I dressed it with a lot of hemp seed oil for the omega fats and also to keep some fat on the body. Not sure how well this will work. Generally I eat a lot of avocado and nuts but I don't know if it's enough.

This is an experiment. 

If for one year I eat only vegetables and fruit with nuts there should really not be too many problems as a result. 

I had in the past taken a year out and just drunk alcohol at least three times per week. This was when I was a lot younger and other than fibroids I didn't really get any serious illness. 

Surely the body will work well in a year of good feed. 

Get friendly with cabbage! 

Scientific research has proven that anti-cancerous properties in cabbage can be utilised when cabbage is eaten raw or fermented. Also, interestingly, cabbage should be cut into chunks not smaller than 1cm in order to preserve enzymes' abilities to create cancer fighting actions (Huffington Post, 2013).

Information and mention of cabbage as a great healer is overwhelming the www so a google search will yield a variety of written material, scientific and that from popular press. I only mention Huffington Post because the article is succinct and very well referenced.

I have a massive jar of cabbage undergoing fermentation process. This is extremely easy to prepare. I eat fresh cabbage as often as I fancy it. It is delicious so it's no bother.

The point is, I believe, to embrace and act on the advice we are given. The beauty of knowledge is that it provides us with tips on which road leads to our best destination. My gratefulness is to all of those who are experimenting, observing, coming up with results and sharing them with us the normal mortals who only -albeit selfishly- want to be healthy.

I am now 40 years old and my idea of fun used to be a day/night in the pub with good company giving my liver a hell of a ride with all the wine and rum I could fit inside my body. This was cruel to say the least. But fun! I lot of fun!

However, if it the choice is between a couple of good days in the pub with a horrible hangover the days after followed by trips to hospitals intermittent with surgeries and taking medicines; and the choice two is no hospitals, no surgeries, no medicines, no alcohol, no hangovers, fun is found in long walks and picnics with sparkling water, trips to new places, opera, theatre, dancing, gym, cinemas, raw dinners.... then clearly the option two is the one to chose. It is so obvious and so simple.

May your road lead to health and happiness. Mine too. :)

P.S. Fibroids are tumours. They are non-cancerous (how lucky) but I see that they need to be ousted using the same process as that required to remove other tumours. They are all a consequence of inflammations and toxicity of the body. (I have read scientific research on this and also heard raw foodists speak of it too - the evidence is rife).

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

A confession: 100% raw?

Today is day 19 on raw war aiming to oust a couple of big fibroids. 

I am a little bit nervous to confess, so openly... but, here it is: today, I had some bread!!! It wasn't even that nice. I still had it!!!

Whilst chewing it it was so obvious that it contained so many things the body doesn't need. It was of a sourish flavour. Soft. No crunch. It tasted dead. Unappetising. Flat. Unsatisfying. Unfulfilling.

As a consequence, it makes sense that raw food gurus keep professing the idea to "eat food that is alive". Those words have a meaning now because bread which I loved so much tasted dead. Raw food that I have eaten in the last 19 days tastes ALIVE!!! Tastes beautiful, crunchy and flavoursome. So filling and satisfying. :)

I have to go easy on myself here though about a little falter. It's not too bad. It's not like I went out and got drunk. It's not much of a step back.

As is the norm I also ate plenty of vegetables fruit and nuts. I ate a lot today.

Still raw. I am not sure if that bread was even ten percent of the food I ate today. Still doing well.


Monday, 13 June 2016

Alternative therapies for fibroids

Today is my 18th day on 100% raw vegan diet. 

Last year I gave up meat, dairy, alcohol and sugar and thought that with the help of acupuncture, reiki, meditation and prayer fibroids will disappear. 

It didn't work. I had acupuncture every week for 8 weeks. Reiki most weeks and meditated every day.  Sadly I had also taken Agnus Castus which made me bleed for months. 

In this instance, alternative therapies didn't work for me. It seemed. 

My fibroids are far too big: two 7cm beasts. 

The Guardian does these wonderful Science Weekly podcasts (very similar to AAAS) where they introduce new ideas in a good informative and concise manner. 

How do placebos work? The science of mind over body - podcast is a conversation with scientist and science journalist Jo Marchant (2016) who wrote on the subject in her book titled Cure: a journey into the science of mind over body; she proposes that there should be an all inclusive health system embracing conventional medicine and alternatives because it has been proven that placebo works as well as does good GP and hospital care where patients are given time and value as a person.

In many instances it has been scientifically proven that the idea of being healed is enough for the brain to release necessary chemicals to combat some physical illness. It is not magic, she says. Placebo has a real biological affect on the body. However, this is not the case with all illness. 

Similarly, an anthropologist Anne Fadiman wrote a fantastic book about the tension between conventional and alternative medicine in the healing process of a young Hmong child in the USA. Hmong people are originally from Laos and some fled to the USA in the 1970s. Their traditional medicine is shamanic and in The spirit falls and it catches you, Fadiman provides evidence to suggest that shamanic healing worked very well with conventional medicine to prolong the child's life beyond all medical expectations. It is a beautiful read - highly recommended. 

Those are just the two references I mention but there are many more and evidence is overwhelming for the alternative therapies.  They, however, need the help from us and the conventional medicine. 

In one of my previous posts I said that I am embracing my healing process from the perspective that the body is sick and so it is what I put inside it which will make it heal. It is my strong belief that praying and meditating has given me the knowledge and the strength to embrace this 100% raw vegan diet. It is a socially enormous change that has a potential to ostracise me from others who follow a standard diet of eat whatever. 

I continue to meditate every day and keep sending the signals to my body that I am decisive and unfaltering in the quest to heal it of fibroids and anything else that may have been lurking in the background. 

A little bit on the side: 

A family friend with Parkinson's loves to dance 

because it is the only time that Parkinson's stops. 

It's like magic. 

Raw but warm mushrooms

As I write, the oven is on at 47 degrees Celsius. Inside it: organic mushrooms filled with the paste of cashew, mushrooms, long green beans, onion, garlic and salt; greased generously with hempseed oil. It will stay in the oven for a couple of hours then be served with finely chopped fresh cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, avocado, orange peppers and most likely a lot of other veg from the fridge. 

Cabbage has anti cancerous enzymes, as well as tomatoes; onions and garlic are anti-inflammatory; avocado, oil and cashew are fattening - one dares to believe! 

May we all embrace health!  

I am sure my fibroids are getting smaller on this 100% raw diet

My two fibroids, Bob (front) and Max (back) are getting smaller. I am sure they are. After only 18 days of eating 100% raw.

Although Bob feels the same every day he is not popping out as much as he had done before I begun the 100% raw diet. I have a feeling that it is actually Max that is on his way out because Bob does not protrude as much as he used to but he is the same size. I cannot feel Max because he is hiding in the back so am not sure. This is a speculation based on the fact that my abdomen is flatter. Bob doesn't protrude so far because there is more room there. Unless all of my other organs have shrunk and Max is still staying strong. Highly unlikely.

Furthermore, to rule out fullness of the large intestine it is important to note that I base my findings on the examinations I conduct after the colon is emptied.

Backache due to fibroids

I remember when Max arrived. He came first, before Bob. He gave me a massive lower back ache. It was painful to lie for a couple of weeks. I didn't take painkillers. Instead, I found a comfortable position by raising my legs up on a few pillows. That made me comfortable so I slept.

Without looking into it too much I figured my back was hurting because I hadn't done any exercise for a few years.

In many ways this was the right diagnosis. I joined the gym and started working out regularly. I was also fasting every now and again. I was taking charge of my slightly podgy body. Max got settled in and we got on with life. I was at the gym 5-6 times per week. I felt amazing. A few times when I didn't work out for a while the back ache would return.

My father's side of the family all suffer from backaches. Hereditary, they said. "My back hurts if I don't work out" - I responded, and left it at that.

It was only after about a year that Bob arrived. I remember his hard mass popping up from my finely toned abs. I'd go to the loo and then he'd be gone. I never really paid too much attention to him.

My reasoning is that maybe because Max was the first to come he is the first to go.

Since it has only been 18 days of raw detox I will leave it another 18 days then make an appointment for an ultrasound and will post here with full details. I want them to be smaller by at least 1cm than last year so that I can stay inspired to continue this quest to cleanse the body of what it would be happier without.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Testosterone and fibroids

Today is the 16th day on raw diet

Last night I read that whilst Seppo Puusa tried to heal his skin of acne by eating raw for a year he ended up with type 2 diabetes. He doesn't go into what kind of raw diet he had therefore it is hard to conclude how he got diabetes. Most other people have actually cured diabetes by eating raw. 

Puusa does a lot of research on what scientist have found out and makes his words rather valuable with such wide reaching evidence. Amongst many things he writes about the role of hormones play on formation of acne. It's an interesting read. 

Everything is connected. Researchers have proven that women with high testosterone are 1.33 times likely to develop fibroids. But, strangely, women who had both high testosterone and high estrogen levels "were less likely to have a recurrence of fibroids than women with low levels" (Frellick 2015).

I too, have always had acne which have been defined by doctors as hereditary and therefore almost permanent. Food and lifestyle are always mentioned. But - I always thought I was eating healthily! (As a lot of people do. this is a new topic.)

I read about acne and put it down to high testosterone levels. High testosterone levels also reflected in my little bit of an angry streak. But, then everyone gets angry. Don't they (?). 

This points to conclude that, if all of the above is correct, if I was to have Bob and Max surgically removed - although they may be likely to come back - they may actually not because I have both high testosterone, and high estrogen levels. This is a note to self just in case one year of eating raw is not enough to get rid of them. 

The summer of 2015 my skin was horrific. It was after spending the winter months boozing and partying, some stress with starting my own business and moving a house. My back was sore with cut skin which I got by scratching spots. It was very unsightly to say the least. 

However, after stopping the consumption of alcohol, meat, and dairy (I haven't eaten sugar since June 2013) my skin was slowly getting better. In the last 16 days of eating raw food I think I have had maybe two new spots. Rather amazing, I think.

Last year I cleansed. Now I am detoxing and the skin is healing. The scars will always stay. But I find them very attractive so that is OK.

It is generally understood by the medical profession that fibroids occur as a consequences of hormonal imbalance. Scientist have tried to link the occurrence of fibroids with thyroid but have not been able to prove any significant link. (I read this a while back and now I can't find the link for the article.)

My thyroid levels are all good when they were checked in the summer of 2015. 

In essence, I know that fibroids are not with me for just one reason. They are here as a variety of causes. Body is one unit and although some may blame the wacky balance between progesterone and estrogen other hormones are also playing a part and cannot be ignored in order to fix the problem. 

I drunk so much alcohol in my 20s and early 30s that if fibroids are all I have to suffer as a consequence, then, I am most grateful to be so lucky.

Everything is connected. The body has to be healed all together in order to combat one little object of frustration.  

Friday, 10 June 2016

100% Raw Beetroot with fibroid affairs

I love beetroot.

It is one of the vegetables with which results are almost immediate and immediately obvious. If you are feeling lethargic just go for a bunch of beetroot. It has helped me many times in the past.

When I took Agnus Castus - Vitex as a hormone balancing, progesterone elevating herbal remedy I bled for over 20 days. I bled a lot. I lost a lot of blood. I felt awful. I was drained. Since I suffered from anaemia when I was a kid I am now able to diagnose anaemia very easily. (Childhood lessons are superior to all others.) So, I gorged on beetroot and got my energy back. A week later I had my bloods done at the doctors and all was perfect. I swear by beetroot.

You can juice it, eat it as it is, grate it into a salad, even pickle it. I have never pickled it. I rather like it fresh.

Beetroot has made me look a bit uncool though. Last January I was eating it like an apple to a total dismay of my then boyfriend. He was horrified whilst pressing a glass of gin to his lips. Juicing is a little classier. I admit. However, we were on holiday and the greengrocers were only selling whole beetroot. Not a juiced version. So, I bit into it raw. Crude.

Obviously the above story conjures up a few questions about our social life and how much our lifestyles are dictated by neoliberal ideals. In a non-neolliberal world it would be perfectly acceptable to munch on a root vegetable just as it is. In our crazy fancy world, wrapped up in plastic and pesticides, the world which runs of fossil fuels, we have to process food a million times and then decorate it with something which gives impression of freshness. In our social world it is far more acceptable to get drunk and eat dead meat than it is to connect with earth. Etcetera...

Little tip with beetroot: 

Whilst running my own market stall I discovered quite accidentally how to keep it fresh for ages. Place it in an air tight container and keep in the fridge. I asked about ten different chefs if they knew the answer and they didn't. I am rather pleased with this discovery so I am sharing.

Beetroot juice

Today, I added few carrots, ginger, celery and lemon to create this delicious juice.
It has that deep earthy taste with a little zest and a hint of spice from ginger.

It is rejuvenating, sweet and just perfect for regulating blood.

Fibroid size fluctuates

Over the last two weeks of eating strictly Raw, the fibroids Bob and Max have been fluctuating in size.

This could be for a number of reasons. I am monitoring them and will hopefully be able to figure out the causes. 

The most notable thing is that Bob and Max have spent those days mostly being smaller. Their might was only for about three out of 14 days. 

If they continue to be smaller most of the time, and perhaps start shrinking, then the raw is the right road.

The point of writing this blog is to learn how long it takes to lose fibroids through eating raw food. No one I have read so far has told me the exact time frame for saying goodbye to Bob and Max. 

There is one woman on youtube who declared that she got rid of her fibroids within one month of doing a water fast. That is drinking water for one month and having nothing else. She previously tried other things none of which worked. She was desperate and so she found a way. 

I am not brave enough to do a month water-fast. But also, although I am desperate to get rid of them I am not in pain. My periods are OK since I stopped eating meat and dairy. Fibroids don't hurt. They are uncomfortable sometimes and make me visit the loo a lot. They are unsightly as well. But, we are OK. 

Moreover, I am at a very good weight right now and there isn't much fat reserve to keep me fasting for a month. I fear I would turn into a skeleton. I am, however, still planing on doing a few fast-days to accelerate the healing process. 

Things are a little busy at the moment and I am riding my push bike a lot. Fasting and riding a bike don't go together so I must wait for a while. 

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Overeating whilst 100% Raw

In my post yesterday I wrote about lack of sleep as a consequence of overeating. I understand that fibroids (Bob and Max) are taking up quite a bit of space but if I don't overeat then they are not too much of a problem.                 

After I wrote that post I ate very little:

A few bananas and walnuts. 
A couple of dates.
A punnet of strawberries and blackcurrants. 
I drunk plenty of water and also a glass of the water from the homemade pickled cabbage.

It was 7 pm that I had my last banana. I slept for almost 7 hours without waking up to go to the bathroom. It is such an improvement from the day before when I woke up many times and had to be up very early with the bowl movement was as the wake up call. 

Therefore, my lesson is to not overeat. 

What about nutrition?

I figure I will simply have to start juicing. I can drink a litre of juice full of nutrition but could not eat all the veg that produce that 1l of juice. 

I have learned that pineapple has anti-cancerous properties. In India, pregnant women are discouraged to eat the core of pineapple as it can induce premature labour. A wife's tale also proven by the science. 

           "Bromelain, the enzyme complex of the pineapple plant, also has properties similar to such drugs as aspirin and indomethacin (5,6), but has no undesirable side effects. (Batkin, Steven Taussig & Joseph Szekerczes, 2009)"

Bromelain can cure tumours, apparently. There are a few videos on youtube with people professing that it cured their tumours. It is worth a try. I would much rather eat pineapple everyday to rid the body of Bob and Max than go under a knife. They will not come back if the body is in good health. Surgery does not give a healthy body. It just removes the tumours. 

Since becoming 100% raw I have had a pineapple almost always day. Also, apple cider vinegar, lemon, turmeric and garlic. I haven't had them every single day. I skip a day or two for variety a reasons. Sometimes I don't fancy smelling of garlic; don't get a chance to buy the pineapple. Turmeric, well, I just don't fancy the taste. Something to work on.

Ginger is also supposed to be a super healer. It, too, shall be incorporated. Soon. 


100% Raw Breakfast

Exactly two weeks since I had those last three sips of coffee and begun the raw journey

What will I eat if I am only allowed fruit, veg and nuts? Well, fruit, veg and nuts. But, the beauty is that after a little while you just start listening to the body and give it what it fancies. I can eat anything I want any time I want!

So, this morning I had this most amazing breakfast yet: 

-One whole avocado
-One Raw Flaxseed Pitta Bread (I bought this one already made by the RAW company) 
-One clove of garlic
-A quarter of a red pepper 
-Hempseed oil
-Pine nuts
-Sunflower seeds

Chuck it (lovingly) into a favourite bowl. Crush it all about. Mix it a bit. And it tastes like heaven. Greasy, fatty, crunchy, Omega full breakfast; a few hours after a massive gollop of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. 

I can feel the body cleansing. 

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Second Week on 100% Raw OVEREATING!

Eating fruit and veg and nuts has given me the permission to eat as much as I can -and more!

Unfortunately this has meant that during the night whilst the body is processing the vast anoints of goodness and the pressure that Bob and Max are putting into the abs I am waking up to go to the bathroom.

I drunk three large glasses of water before 10 pm last night and was asleep just after midnight. I was up three times to go to the bathroom. At 7 am my abdomen felt enormous. Bob was looking huge. However, Bob is in fact the same as he was last week but was just protruding to give room to all the processed food. It was only after three trips to the bathroom within 15 ministers that I managed to fee to cologne and make some room for all the organs and tumours.

So, stuffing my face with a lot of food is really not the way to go. I'm eating more than I need.

My regular day consists of one large salad sometime in the afternoon, breakfast of fruit and nuts and an evening snack o walnuts and prunes.

So to begin I am ditching the prunes after midday and all snacking after 6pm. Let's see if that will work.

Sleeping is very important in the healing process especially, and most certainly in general too. Plus, I absolutely LOVE it.

I am testing the boundaries and it is sweet to know that all the goodness that I give to this body will have an opportunity to create a positive effect. If I had had that coffee this morning the primary task of the organs would be to detox its poison. This way we are not wasting time with that.

No quick fix for fibroids

No quick fix for fibroids

I have just come across this video  which has an excellent and short explanation of how embolisation procedure works. They make it look wonderfully easy and painless. This time last year I was considering embolisation to remove Bob and Max (my 6 and 7cm fibroids). In doing so i did plenty of research and found that the procedure as all medical interventions for fibroids have side effects for which women get readmitted to the hospital. 

In one scientific study which I read - and will post the link to once I find it again on the www, 8 women were observed after fibroid embolisation. One of those women had to go to an operating table to fix complications of the dying tumour. To me, one in eight chances of this happening are far too frightening. 

Also, I didn't want to have a foreign particle in my vain. They put a bit of plastic or other possibly toxic material to block the blood supply to the fibroid. Fibroid just shrivels. It dries inside the body. If I remember correctly, one lady had to "give birth' to her fibroid because it was just sitting there, dry. 

Instead, I was not drinking alcohol, not eating meat and dairy, not consuming any artificial sugars or anything with chemicals. After 8 months I started with an occasional glass of wine and was soon back on eating as vegan. Not as a vegan trying to heal their body. I thought that this may be enough. 

Sadly, there are no quick fixes. 

The raw way will take 'several months' says this woman Farhana who got rid of her fibroids on a raw diet. She told her story in a number of interviews. Last year I watched this one and it stayed in my head for all this time. I was keeping the knowledge of how to rid my body of Bob and Max but was too afraid to completely go raw. It was such a daunting prospect. I thought I could do it with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, turmeric, garlic, and other plant based food as well as bread, coffee, soups.. etc. I also did acupuncture, colonic irrigation and an occasional fast. It didn't work. 

My subconscious would speak to me so often and say: 

               "you have the knowledge... you know how to rid your body of fibroids... fast and eat raw. It           is hard. It is the only way. There are no side affects. Your body will feel amazing." 

One thing that struck me with Farhana's story is that she was eating an unhealthy diet before she went raw. So the scope for her improvement is greater than that for me. I have always eaten a lot of fruit and veg and cooked from scratch without chemicals and pre-cooked sauces, etc. Very healthy. 

However, My diet never starved my body of all toxins. That is for sure. 

I have been completely raw since Friday 27th May. That is two weeks now. at first I felt that fibroids were loosening. Now, I feel them as they were before the start of the raw. It will take months. I want to accelerate this process a little bit and so am considering a few fast days. 

I would like to fast for four days ideally because it takes a four days fast for the body to reboot itself. All the cells will go back to their optimum function. So, if after a reboot I can then continue starving the body of toxins then Bob and Max will not like it here and will decide to eventually leave. 

I have only ever done a two day fast before and it was very hard. I was staying at a Buddhist temple surrounded with like minded people but it was tough. How will I do it living with two heavy meat eaters I have no idea. 

There has to be the right time to do it. I will find it. I will keep this space updated. 

The journey has only just begun. There are no quick fixes. Bob and Max have been growing on my uterus for 6 years and I know they will take a real effort to persuade to leave. 

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Does Raw Diet Make me a Social Outcast?

I would say that it does! However, only from our unhealthy-life social circles.   

I have stopped going to the pub which used to be my main hangout with everyone that I knew. After work, after class, after a sports event, after a gig, for lunch, for dinner, for a meeting, for coffee.... Even for watching films and gigs. All with a glass of wine in my hand. And if the party is in a really good swing then some rum and coke too. 

All of that is now gone! Finished. I will go to the pub and then have to explain to people why I am not drinking and not eating. Sometimes I am in the mood to tell the full story. Sometimes I am not. It is hard to say goodbye to that part of my life. When everyone starts having an amazing tipsy time it is generally time for me to go home to my pineapple juice and some BBC drama. Nick Hornby's if I am lucky. 

The upside is that my eyes are crystal clear every day. Days become longer because they are not overcome by wasteful hangovers. I have more time to study. I have more time to be idle. And with some luck fibroids will melt away too. So, we are social outcast but only from our former lives. 

Now, I am starting to create new social circles with people who are also following raw lifestyle. People who are holistic healers, gardeners and not big drinkers. My old friends are still here. Supporting me on my quest to put the body in order and say goodbye to Bob and Max (two large fibroids the size of grapefruits). Having said this I must note the following:

Healing process as a pleasurable experience. 

Here, I have a deliciously crunchy salad which tastes what I imagine is like kissing heaven! I am not kidding! 

Simple raw ingredients full of sunshine. I used red cabbage which has fibroid ridding properties, red pepper which is full of vitamin C, cucumber which is hydrating and excellent for the skin, garlic: an antioxidant and kiss repellent, tomatoes: an antioxidant and a cancer fighter, alfalfa sprouts, calorific avocados, probiotic gherkins, brainy oily walnuts, lots of salt, alkalising apple cider vinegar and hemp seed oil. 

Eating this in a park full of fragrant roses whilst body was being sun kissed and bathing in vitamin D; beautiful scenery of relaxed people - eating raw was the only way to go. It smells fresh and healthy, it tastes fresh and healthy, it fills you up and it leaves you feeling light. 

Raw is the only way to go. 

The transition is hard socially. There is no pill to make everything alright. We have to work for it. 

We live in s diseased world. Socially and ecologically. We simply have to navigate as best as we can. The survival of the most gutsy. Raw foodists are gutsy! 

Raw food lifestyle may not be easy to begin with but serving my salad in a nice bowl and eating it with a proper cutlery rather than the common choice of plastic for picnics makes things so much more enjoyable. Decorate your food, take time over it. Slow the process down. Jus think how much more time we have because we don't have to slaver over a cooker. We are saving energy, time, vitamins. We are gaining every second we are not cooking and eating dead, sticky food. Joy is truly in the making. 

To life without fibroids I raise my glass of breakfast beetroot juice!!!!

After a week and a half, Bob and Max are still here. I am not expecting them to leave now but within a year, I hope. So, I shall be recording the process in case any of you need to know. Still, it is worth remembering that we are all different. I just hope that this works for me like it worked for a few others.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

100% Raw - first week or so

The first week of 100% raw I was feeling tired. I googled raw diet detox symptoms rather a few times and was rest assured that it is OK to be tired for a little while. 

A few days before I went 100% raw my abdomen felt enlarged and fibroids seemed to be at their peak greatness. I was so scared that they were growing. I had to intervene. I had to take charge. So, I stopped eating cooked food. Then stopped eggs, then bread. The last to go was coffee.

Last few days I'd go to coffee shops order an espresso and sit there for a while. For half an hour, maybe longer, and only take about three sips. I didn't want to poison my body any longer. I didn't want to feed Bob and Max (the fibroids). 

About four days into my all raw lifestyle I was starting to feel tired for a while. I lost some blood through menses but not much. Therefore, it couldn't be anaemia. I didn't want to take any chances so I juiced beetroot and used spinach as the main base for my salads. I perked up after a few days. 

I was feeling lousy - to be totally frank. 

I put it down to broken heart and lack of coffee. I loved a lot, and I drunk a lot. A lot of strong black coffee which always made me happy. The weather too, was rather miserable which was not helping. Furthermore, my cat was euthanised and my father ended up in the hospital. Reflecting on the last couple of weeks like this makes me laugh and figure that perhaps it is best to suffer all pain at once. 

Today, about the 10th day into 100% raw: I feel good. I do get the odd flashing image of fresh bread and eggs. Even a cake comes to my vision sometimes which is most strange since I have lived without cake for years now. With an exception of a few months when I lived abroad. 

My transition to raw was very long. 

In 2012 I stopped eating all artificial sugars. I also gave up all saturated fats and had my steaks lean and pink. 

In April 2015, meat, dairy and booze got ousted. By January 2016 I was back on the booze, fish, chips and cooked vegan foods. Stuff which I'd hardly ever eat. Things like chips and crisps... 

Luckily, I always ate a lot of fruit and veg and I get to continue to eat it a lot more. 

What I am saying is that going raw has so far not been painless. Moody and depressive. But, like I said previously, it could be for other reasons. Giving up coffee alone is rather tough. And I still have a feeling that I will drink it again sometime. A bit like other drugs, cigarettes and men: at first the habit to think of them seems permanent. But, everything changes and so will my cravings. 

I find that practicing giving up is the best way to get there. Do it a few times until it works. One day at the time. 

I almost went raw in the summer of 2015. But, I couldn't.

I thought that socially I was already at somewhat a difficult position because I wasn't drinking. (Most of my family and friends drink booze.) Now, I just want those fibroids out. Social outcast or not the body comes first. 

Saturday, 4 June 2016

What are fibroids concealing?

Can meditation help?

It was first Dan McDonald that I heard say in one of his Youtube videos that tumours are a collection of toxins which the body tried to reject to protect itself. An inflammation of some sort. The body's defence mechanism, a survival tactic keeping as much of the body working as well as possible. Essentially, making fibroids a big garbage bin. What, then is the actual problem? 

Fibroids give symptoms (heavy bleeding, maybe some pain, bulging, pressing on bladder and cologne). Removing them would be in vain. They are functioning because some other parts of the body need protecting. Hormonal imbalance, some say. Still, 'no one is certain'. If I was to take tablets for hormones I would have to suffer side effects. Some women have experienced such strong side effects from progesterone that they became socially inept, isolated, argumentative and similar. 

In 2015 I took Agnus Castus - Vitex (a herbal remedy which is unregulated - bought from Holland and Barrett) for about 20 days. As a consequence my menses lasted for 20 days. I was bleeding and spotting so randomly and most of the time. Menses slowly got back to normal in eight months. I had to go for hysteroscopy and was devastated. Although I knew it was Vitex which caused prolonged bleeding I was still questioning my self. 

I meditated. Of course I did. It helped. It always helps. It keeps me centred. Mind is very powerful and the body has been designed so beautifully that every time I learn something new, every time I make a new observation I feel elevated and exited. When I find supporting theories by others to agree with my observations somehow my ego wants to share it. It is reassuring that my brain is not in vain. 

I have some interesting evidence to support the hypothesis that illness or a tumour is body's way to protect itself as well as that meditation, or, the switching off the brain keeps the body healthy. But it is with an example of Alzheimer's Disease. 

Six years ago I observed my aunt with Alzheimer's to be in perfect health. She was agile and fast, able to use her body perfectly. Her blood results were great. She seemed fit and medically, other that her memory, she seemed perfectly fit. I decided that it was something to do with switching off the brain that the health of our body was in tact. 

I made a connection with meditation. My reasoning was that after spending spending some time attempting not to think we are are halting brain's influence on our body. We are giving the brain and the body a break. A time to fix itself. 

I mentioned this to a medical doctor looking after my aunt but we didn't discuss it. Instead, I made a mental note of if and it is only now, six years on that I have found others thinking along the same line. (Freakishly, around the same time!) Luckily they are scientist. Their hypothesis is that the ß amyloid which is a protein that wraps its fibres around brain neurones (it can affect heart, liver and kidneys) causing them to halt their previous job. However, "ß amyloid has an ancient role in the body protecting against foreign invaders". (Underwood, E. Science AAAS) So, the body is sacrificing some neurones to keep itself alive. Sickness as a way of survival. In a way, the Alzheimer's is working to keep the body working as long as possible. Alzheimer's is a consequence of a bigger problem. 

        I assume medical doctors learn this at school. I am new to it and am very excited  - and probably very flawed in my knowledge. Right now it makes sense so I find it important to  share my understanding of fibroids and how I can be rid of them. It is also a process which I would find beneficial to read if written by someone who has managed to rid their bodies of fibroids naturally. 

        I know that this reads very obvious. And, it is. Which is what is so buffling about the way we live our lives. The bodies are not harmonious. We are polluting them and they are getting sick in their quest to keep ticking.

        I am so grateful that it is only fibroids that I have to deal with and if my raw diet does not make them go away but halt their growth whilst the rest of the body gains some harmony for as long as possible, then I can be satisfied and grateful.

Treating symptoms is not enough. 

I figure Alzheimer's keep the body protected by switching off certain neurones. Does this mean that if in a healthy body we meditate - give the brain a bit of a break - will the brain be more harmonious with the rest of the body? I think so. 

I by no means profess we get ourselves an Alzheimer's rather, I believe that Moir and Tanzi (Underwood, E. Science AAAS) theory proves my hunch that my aunt's body was in good health as a consequence of her brain ignoring her body. She ended up losing all control of her body and spent the last couple of years in bed. Alive, but unable to govern her body. The body entered a survival mode and it survived for a long time after it was able to be useful. 

What I do profess is meditation. Give ourselves a break, a nourishment for brain. Don't think about the body whilst you meditate. Just be. Observe all that arises without judgment. 

Then nourish your body with food which it needs. Not the food that you want. The food which the body requires. 

Create balance and harmony and hopefully we will create our body as an environment unsuitable for fibroids. 

I give myself a year to heal my body of tumours on raw diet. I have to do all that I can.


I have been eating salads. They are delicious. I tend to buy small amount of ingredients and play with them whilst they last. Throwing away food has never been my forte. 
Today I had
Apple cider vinegar as soon as I got out of bed. 
A few hours later I made a salad with 
   red cabbage (anti cancerous properties)
   sprouted beans and chickpeas
   sprouted alfalfa seeds
   sea salt
   hemp seed oil 
   long green beans
   and a little organic apple cider vinegar (an excellent all rounder)\

Later, I had a punnet of strawberries, handful of walnuts, some watermelon and little pineapple juice. More as a snacks than proper dinner over a few hours.

Not to forget plenty of water too. :) 

I want to eat more but I feel very full. Raw food is very filling. 

Friday, 3 June 2016

Fibroid Diagnosis

I lived with fibroids in complete ignorance for around five years. 

I remember massaging my belly and thinking there was something not quite right. Still, I just kind of ignored it putting it down to my lack of knowledge of internal organs. Oh dear, you may read. I, however, think this was a good thing. I was kind of blissful. I didn't feel sick and other than heavier periods than before 2010 (the year fibroids came about) and PMS, I was alright. It is only upon reflection that I realise where my dysfunctional social life in those 5 years stems from. The prolonged madness that is the PMS.

However, I have always been fond of PMS because it is then that I put my foot down to terrible relationships, injustices and all other unfairness that come my way. This is why PMS exists. If we stay lovely and nice all the time nothing would change and the bullies would just keep on bullying.

So, there was me, blissfuly ignorant. Then, chatting to a friend - it was a bit of a laugh, actually - I figured it was time to look into this lump inside my abdomen. So, naturally I went for the great Google and diagnosed myself with colon cancer!!! hahah... I was calm - I wasn't sure but I was prepared.

This was all going on on my winter beach holiday where there was one lovely Italian medical doctor holidaying like me: playing volleyball, swimming, reading, drinking, socialising, taking pictures and just having a lovely time. That day of diagnosis I found him sunbathing to the sound of breaking waves. I told him that I had colon cancer to which he responded: "so, shall we burry you in the sand or set you off into the sea?" Oh, he is a funny one. And incredibly luckily an internal organs specialist.

He examined my abdomen for a while and told me that he is 99% sure that I have a couple of fibroids and that I should get it double checked in the UK. And then, he said words which had so much power that they governed my journey here. He said: "it's not a problem, they can be healed naturally with gingko , etc"

Fibroids can be healed naturally

What does it mean?

Immediately I started googling: heal fibroids naturally. Now, of course, I would only ever google things such as heal the uterus, remove fibroids naturally.. etc. Because I don't want to heal fibroids, I want them to disappear, I want them gone. 

I learned that Omega fats are needed for hormone balancing so I bought a bottle of flaxseed oil. I took a few sips and felt so sick that I couldn't eat anything for a couple of days. Perhaps this was the whole point because during a fast fibroids shrink. Depriving the body of all food puts it into healing mode. Apparently, according to a scientist in one of the millions of documentaries I have watched, 'diabetes used to be cured by starving patients... albeit some of them starving to death'. It's quite a bad side effect I suppose. 

However, from personal experience, I know that fasting shrinks them. But, it has to be done regularly.   
So, then I was just eating actual flaxseeds and I immediately stopped drinking alcohol to the horror of all of my beach friends. It didn't last long. I went back to alcohol. Being tipsy is just so fantastic. So fantastic that I spent all of my 20s and 30s drinking. That is two decades of going to the pub at least once per week and getting drunk. Not always but a lot. 
I also came across this site where I took some advice from. I started some positive thinking, Reiki healing, acupuncture, and some time later I stopped consuming meat, dairy and alcohol. 

I bought a kindle book by Allan Warshowsky called Healing Fibroids: a doctor's guide to a natural cure.  I read it in almost one sitting, soaking up everything and being reassured that it is possible to say goodbye to Bob and Max (my fibroids) without going to surgery or taking hormones. Dr. Warshowsky informed me of some crucial things to keep me hopeful such as:

'women with only nine to eleven years of education are more likely to undergo a hysterectomy than women with higher degrees..'  

Do laugh, but the odds of me keeping my uterus are getting higher with this book. 

Most importantly,  what this means is that we must read around and question everything we are told. Take control of the healing and know the ins and outs. For example, going for myomectomy removes fibroids but does not remove the cause of fibroids so they will most likely come back. If the environment for them to flourish is good they will keep coming back. Simple.

My local GP said to me: "your fibroid is the size of a grapefruit and uterus the size of a plum. Just get it all removed." I cried. But this guy is a funny one. When I was 27 I went to him with heavy lung infection. He said: "What do you want me to do? Stop smoking for you?" hahah... I laugh about it now. During that same lung infection I smoked only about one cigarette a day rather than 15. I was hooked. Lung infection came back once more before I eventually stopped smoking 5 years after the said GP visit. 

No more lung infections. 

Like I said in my previous post, the body wants us to stop giving it toxins. It doesn't want antibiotics, it just wants to be given locally grown natural nourishment. I say local because all fruit and vegetables are superfoods and there are equivalents of all of them on each continent. Such as for example goji berries and strawberries. Eat a variety of fruit and vegetables and Bob's ya uncle. (I don't mean my Bob the fibroid, rather a metaphorical English-phrase Bob.)
Reading around the problem of fibroids books and articles asked me to reflect on causes of fibroids. I did and I put it down to some stress in the past. Now, 15 months on I am certain that I cannot take back the stress that I went through in the past. I have accepted it. What I can do is to change the way I feed my body. I have stopped giving it toxic food and drink. If it was stress and not drinking, smoking, milk and meat that caused the creation of the mucus (some define fibroids as mucus) then there is nothing I can do about it. I meditate, I pray, I am certain and resolute to rid the body of Bob and Max. And, it is this resoluteness and prayers that send me on the path which is to heal the body as a physical entity which requires particular physical nourishment where each cell has to be given the right environment to live with each other in harmony. 

If the body is not correct on a chemical, molecular level then meditation, reiki, acupuncture, positive thinking are all in vain. They are only not in vain when they have led us to the right path. And, yes, continue praying but also take the necessary steps to alter the physicality of all the particles of our being. Replace the disharmony with harmony. Physically, intellectually, spiritually and with patience. Join me on this journey of fibroid free life. 

One Week being 100% Raw

Today is exactly one week since I began the all raw food consumption. I haven't even looked at nor been tempted by all those other foods that I got used to loving and depending on for nutrition, fun, pleasure, comfort and taste. I put them aside from my mind and my wants.

As a consequence my fibroids (Bob and Max - they have a minute little baby as well, a third small fibroid we shall call It if it ever needs a mention. I very much doubt it since it's even more harmless that its seniors.), so, Bob and Max are getting a little softer and a little more malleable. They seem to be more accepting of their upcoming demise. They are shrinking in fear of death and they are losing volume for the lack of toxins which they love as much as I used to. All that wine, meat, milk, sugar and bread. They loved that stuff and without it Bob and Max are finally feeling unwanted and are packing their bags.

Prior to hitting them with all the food they hate: fresh and uncooked fruit and veg as well as seeds and nuts, Bob and Max wouldn't let the bladder hold anything for longer than three hours during the night. They press on it and wake me up all through the night. Last night, my dear ladies, I was asleep for the whole six hours before I was chased to the bathroom.

I drunk plenty of water and plenty of fresh beetroot, carrot, celery and lemon juice throughout the day. Much more than a couple of litres. Therefore, six hours without emptying the bladder cannot be assumed to be lack of hydration.

Is raw diet/detox/lifestyle working. It has been one week. Fibroids are still here but it seems they will go. The negotiations and strategy is to continue until I win. For the sake of the body, for the sake of the mind, for the sake of getting my six pack back.

Dear Body,

Once, a lover said to me how nice it is for a woman to have a bit of a belly. I wasn't aware at the time that it was Bob and Max posturing their might in there. At this time in my life I was getting up at sunrise each morning running along the beach, doing sprints, sit-ups, press-ups, etc... Reclaiming my body. Yet the six pack was sitting on top of a bulge. I had no idea.

I understand that a comment that a woman with a belly is nice was just to keep things sweet and it really doesn't matter about how big our bellies are. Yet, my body was communicating with me and I didn't know what it wanted. It looked different. It behaved differently. I stopped giving it sugars and fats. I fasted. I exercised. But, I also went wild with wine and would frequently have a cup of milk after a gym session. I thought I was doing what it wanted me to do. I thought I was paying attention.

For so many people, and for me, for so very long when there is a problem in the body I worry that it is lacking something. So I give it 'stuff'.What do you want my dear body? It is only now that understand that we are destroying our bodies with the food that we consume. The body doesn't actually need as much as I have been piling into it. All those steaks, Sunday roasts, pies and breads. NO. The body never wanted any of that stuff. wanted it. It so certainly does not need a bottle of wine, spirits and sodas all night long once or twice a week. Give the body a rest. It wants less, not more. Replace the toxins with live fresh fruits and vegetables and it will rest and get a chance to fix itself - because, the body can fix itself.

Or, at least I dare to hope. So, I eat for you not for me. Not for Bob and Max.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Fibroids, natural cure

I wanted to write this blog this time last year. I actually created one post then deleted it a few days later. I was not sure that the quest to heal my uterus would work. Now, a year on, I am more confident and reassured that my uterus is about to become fibroid free. I have a good reason and evidence to believe that fibroids will diminish sometime within the next year, if not sooner.

Why am I so sure that I will be fibroid free?

In the last week they have shrunk substantially. I can see that they are smaller. I can feel that they are smaller and I also measure them with a measuring tape. Actually, I can only measure one of them since the other is at the back and my spine is in the way to have a little feel. The one in the front - lets call him Bob for the ease of communication - protrudes from my stomach so is clearly visible and feel-able. So, Bob, is a centimetre smaller all round than it was this time last year. Bear in mind that it  got a bit bigger in between. So much bigger that I didn't dare measure him.

I have finally taken real steps towards cleansing my body of toxins that have made Bob and his mate Max (a kind name for a back pain producer the posterior intramural fibroid).

My menses has become lighter. The volume of blood has been halved. This is due to my stopping consuming all meat and dairy a year ago.

My menses is lighter because I do not consume any other sugars but those naturally occurring in fruit and vegetables.

I shall do my best to inform myself of all that which will work in ushering Max and Bob out of my body. Moreover, I now have the strength and tenacity to continue on this hard road which I begun in 2012 subconsciously, and on 6th April 2015 consciously. I am all in!

I will elaborate on all of the above points with each new post. It will all make sense and if I can inspire at least one other person to take charge of healing their body and not have to go to surgery, not have their uterus meddled with or even removed (this horrifies me and even though i understand that for some people removal of organs may be life saving I still cannot help but feel utterly horrified by it. Therefore, I will do everything I possibly can to prevent such thing coming to me. And, if you can do the same and I can help us both then we shall be happier. Life on hormone replacement therapies is subservient to life without meat, alcohol, milk, bread, eggs, fish... Just one more point, fibroids are benign tumours so they are not life threatening and fibroid problems are insignificant in comparison to so many diseases out there. Still, this is no reason to be complacent about it. Our bodies are communicating with us. They are telling us something's out of balance. Lets listen to them and lets communicate with our bodies. Give them respect. They are the only ones that we will have to live with for the rest of our lives. I love mine. Please, please love yours.)

Please join me on this quest to heal our bodies of those ugly tumours. Having said this, I do feel attached to them since they have been with me for some time and we are used to each other and they are on my mind all the time. They are like an emotionally unavailable man. They love me so they take the toxins that I have fed the body with. But, their love is misplaced. They are only good for that one thing. And, they have served me well. They have awaken me to my errors of indulgence in alcohol, meat, cakes and bad relationships.

I could eat two packs of Jaffa Cakes in one go!!!

I could eat a whole Sainsbury's walnut cake in one sitting. Oh, that delicious greasy, sticky, yellowish dough with intermittent bite of a whole walnut. Yum. But, those days are over. I remember the taste well not to need another bite. And this, dear reader, makes me human. One who is able to take control  of the healing process premised on logical thinking and being adamant that it is healed body that I desire rather than a meek removal of the object of frustration.